Blog Journal Two
Blog Journal Two
My experience Microsoft Word in kindergarten has evolved so much since then. In kindergarten, I loved games on the computer and then one day the teacher showed us Microsoft Word and taught us to spell simple words on the computer. Since then, I have improved and grown on to love word processing software. Google Docs is much more efficient to use in my opinion since it allows two people to work on one Word Document instead of having to send the document to someone else and wait for them to send it back. It is definitely an innovative approach to writing.
A standard from the ISTE standards list that means the most to me is the Citizen standard which states, "Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world." I believe the best way to teach is to lead by example and from that model, everyone can follow and motivate someone else in their own preferred method. In my own words, it is the educator's job and goal to motivate someone through digital learning. By inspiring someone, that teacher can easily reach their goal of efficiently teaching a student or the entire class something is to just encourage them.
I agree with the label digital native because it would explain how people that were born around internet technology would best fit in. The fact of the matter is that we understand more about how to use computers for our daily activities or professional development. Someone that is considered a digital native might find it easier than others to comprehend how something on computer works, which is what someone that lives in a country that speaks a certain language would understand that language better than someone that was unknown to the country. I believe computers are a new type of language and a new form of habitat. Calling someone a digital native would recognize them as understanding that new form of environment more than someone else would. In the past, I have had teachers that were native to digital technology and those who weren't so native to modern technology. Personally, I liked the older way of teaching since it required less work and was less demanding than the teachers that knew how to use computers more efficiently. I think the teachers I've had that would be considered to be immigrants to technology had a more natural approach to learning that was driven more on emotion and feeling. I believe that my experiences with teachers that were more reliant on giving lessons through a computer were harder on the student due to the lack of compassion.
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